

What are the necessary features for a healthcare app? – [Interesting Findings Related To Healthcare Apps]

Healthcare is one of the most important sectors in the digital world, and professional doctors and other people are more dependent on the apps.

Suppose you wake up one day with high fever, and could not reach the clinic or hospital then, what would be the possible outcomes?

You can call up any professional, and ask the doctor for online consultation but how can you do that seamlessly? It can be done through a healthcare or medical app with relative features that helps you better understand the customer’s behavior.

Anyhow, a healthcare app development company would understand your core requirements, and bring the best apps for the market meeting the quality standards and medical practices.

Both the patients and doctors are now dependent on these healthcare apps, also they enjoy using it for a better customer experience.

Are you ready to explore these interesting findings with us? Let’s get started then!

But first we will explore some points related to the Healthcare sector.

Interesting Findings Related To Healthcare Sector

Let’s start with the global healthcare market sector:

  • According to research, the global healthcare market was valued to reach around $8.45 trillion in 2018 whereas it’s projected to reach around $11.9 trillion by 2022.
  • Also the healthcare market is expected to grow at an unprecedented rate with a compound annual growth rate of 5.4% from 2018 and 2022. So, we can assume how much it will take till the end of 2024…

Let’s talk about the healthcare sector spending:

  • According to research, the global healthcare spending is estimated to reach around $8.3 trillion, representing 10% of the global GDP.
  • Moreover, the United States spent around $4.1 trillion on the healthcare sector in 2020, and it’s nearly 9.75 of its total GDP.

Now, let’s hear about digital healthcare market:

  • The global digital health market size was valued to be $106 billion in 2019 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 28.5% from 2020 to 2026.
  • Moreover, the telemedicine market growth has been from $41.63 billion in 2019 to $155.1 billion by 2027, with a total CAGR of 17.7%

Let’s explore the healthcare employment rate:

  • In 2020, the healthcare sector employed around 18 million people in the United States, making it one of the largest employment sectors.
  • The Association of American Medical Colleges projects a shortfall of between 54,100 to 139,000 physicians by 2023 in the United States.

Let’s hear about Infant mortality rate:

  • The global average life expectancy at a birth was 74.4 years in 2019 from 66.8 years in 2000.
  • Moreover, the global infant mortality rate was 27.4 deaths per 1,000 live births in 2019, with a significant decrease from 65 deaths per 1,000 births in 1990.

Lastly, let’s explore about the healthcare technology adoption:

  • As of 2019, more than 96% of the non-federal acute care hospitals in the United States had adopted a certified EHR.
  • Moreover, the global wearable medical devices market was valued to be $16.6 billion in 2019, and its’ projected to reach $29.1 billion.

These were enough findings related to healthcare apps, whereas, a flutter app development company prioritizes the satisfaction of the clients first and then, comes up with a convenient digital solution that serves the patients in no time.

Let’s start off with the healthcare app features:

Must Have Features For A Healthcare App

Developing and deploying a healthcare app in the real time environment where both patients and doctors are interacting with it requires the creativity of the technical team, and their 100% dedication to come up with a seamless yet customer centric digital solution.

In this section, we are going to explore the features that one should always include in the healthcare app in order to get the best results.

1.     User Authentication and Profile Creation

The healthcare app should have a secured sign up and login processes using the methods like two-factor authentication with a detailed user profile creation consisting of medical history, preferences, and personal information.

2.     Appointment Management

The healthcare app should have easy scheduling and rescheduling along with cancellation of the appointment online. It should also integrate the calendars within the customer’s mobile phone for instant reminders of the appointment.

3.     Telehealth Success Rate

The healthcare app should have video and audio consultations with healthcare providers, and patients. Moreover, with the in app chat features, patients can get all the questions answered with all the required follow ups.

4.     Electronic Health Record Maintenance

The healthcare app should allow access to personal health records, test records and medical prescriptions for a better user experience.

It should have a strong storage memory with sharing of the medical documents with the patients, and doctors both.

5.     Prescription Management for the Healthcare App

Another most interesting feature of a healthcare app is the e-Prescription that can be sent directly to the pharmacies along with refill reminders and tracking.

6.       Healthcare Tracking

The healthcare app should allow the integration with wearable apps, and other health monitoring devices that gives them the ability to log and monitor the health factors, physical activity, and total steps taken in a day.

7.     Push Notification on the Panel

One of the seventh most interesting features for a healthcare app is the push notification feature that gives medical reminders, and appointment reminders for a better user experience.

8.     Payment Methods Integration

Lastly, we have the payment integration feature that a mobile app development company should integrate within the healthcare app.

Moreover, it should have three different types of payment methods that would enable the patients to do the payments online.

Are You Ready To Get Started With Your Healthcare App

We hope you all enjoyed reading about the different features related to healthcare apps, and how one can get the best results; giving a memorable customer experience.

You can add more features within the healthcare app based on the requirements received from the patients. Happy Reading!

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